29th Oct: Although Oliver Cromwell could not join the Gala, Bluebell managed to invite two guest engines, B12 #8572 and 8F #48624. However, my "Giants of Steam 2016" ended up a bit of disaster. Due to Lizzie's mainline activity, I joined the Gala bit late so that I missed the first morning B12 run from Sheffield Park. When I joined at West Hoathly later, I saw B12 was heading back to Sheffield Park but I did not take any pictures as it was “tender first”. She is a very beautiful engine indeed. After I captured 8F at West Hoathly, I headed to "Black Hut" where I was planning to capture B12 on her second service train. I heard the whistle to depart Horsted Keynes almost on time (12:35) and heavy exhaust noise attacking the gradient, but then suddenly the noise had gone ! Anxious long time had gone and although we had no information we could easily guess something went wrong ! It sounds that B12 failed after the departure from Horsted Keynes, so I could not get any images of B12 at all ! Also there was one double-headed train planned today (29th) by Camelot and 8F. But the train was hauled only by 8F. Again a rumour says it was double headed as far as Horsted Keynes where Camelot was detached and she brought back the failed B12 as well as her coaches to Sheffield Park (not confirmed if this is true or not). Oh ! What a day !