10th Mar: After 3 weeks stay at MHR (official calendar by MHR says 14th Feb to 8th Mar), LNER A3 Class 4-6-2 No. 60103 'Flying Scotsman' taking a long journey back to East Lancs Railway. Although the weather was drizzly and dark, I was lucky to capture this shot. I did know 1A19 from Waterloo to Alton was running 10 late and RTT showed 1A19 passed the Pirbright Junction at the same timing as Flying Scotsman passed the Ash Vale station. I was disturbed to think if I should move to the safer side of bridge or not but could not decide and did gamble not to move. 1A19 and Flying Scotsman was faced together shortly after this shot at the other side of this bridge ! Was lucky indeed. 5Z79 0921 Alton to Bury East Lancs Railway. Ash Vale-Brookwood.